AmigaActive (1618/2143)

From:Anthony Prime
Date:24 May 2000 at 20:56:19
Subject:Linux Distro - On Topic - Honestly

Hi Guys

I`ve done the dirty deed and bought an x86 box.

But in mitigation I`ve had a 30mb hard drive fitted and only used a 15mb
partition for windows, so guess what I want to do with the rest... :)

Anyway, I got the first issue of Linux Format to try to install Definate
Linux in antici...pation </Frank-n-Furter>

But I cant get it to install. The firm that built my peesee kindly created
two partitions (5gb and 10gb) for a swap file and the main / partition) but
I can`t get the installer to reformat them or (having thought about it
more) resize the partitons to 1gb and 14gb.

Can anyone offer any help, or should I wait for further developments and
mothball the additional hd space?

Cheers for now.

Anthony W. Prime
So the World May Know...

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